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1962 — Linus Pauling, Chemist and Opponent of Nuclear Weapons Testing

1962 — Linus Pauling, Chemist and Opponent of Nuclear Weapons Testing

In 1964 Pauling won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and became only the second person to win Nobel Prizes in more than one field. In 1946 Pauling, Albert Einstein, and others formed the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists to petition against nuclear weapons. Pauling continued to organize similar protests. He was harassed for his efforts and at one time his passport was suspended. Pauling’s influence contributed to the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963.

“…war must be abolished if the human race is to survive.”

Photo: Courtesy of and Copyright © The Nobel Foundation

Download Linus Pauling Biography and Study Material:
High School PDF Document – ( 65 KB )
Middle School PDF Document – ( 107KB )
Elementary School PDF Document – ( 105KB ) 

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The Nobel Peace Laureate Project is a 501-C(3) public corporation, EIN#20-8187904,
and a qualifying non-profit partner of the Oregon Cultural Trust